The stones

cry out


From the bible we could see why paragraph 675 of The Catechism says that the mystical body of Christ will follow the pattern of Jesus' last days. A week before his death he promised that if his people did not acknowledge his kingship the nondescript, ordinary stones would. In the last days, will his people acknowledge God's kingship or man's, and will the stones cry out?

Everything that we do is driven by our perspectives. Our actions reveal how we view ourselves and our environment. They reveal how we view our selves in relation to others, our environment, our purpose, the purpose of everything and God. But then, our perspectives are affected by our life experiences. Observing how others deal with their life experiences also play an important part in shaping what we learn about our own approach to life. That is why it is important to share some of our own life experiences with each other. With such testimonies and with the guidance of God, we can grow in the joy of life. So on this site you will find stories of real persons, and an invitation to share any inspiring story you know.

Submit inspirational stories under 500 words

Stories need not be religious or miraculous. If it might inspire a reader to reflect and think about their own life, even positively change his or her perspective, that is the only important thing.

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Stories which are submitted with means of authentication are classified as verified. Verification might be obtained by having 2 other witnesses, time and place of story, or other. We may correspond with those who submit stories with the aim of clarifying authentication if required. Those that cannot be verified would be posted under "unverified."